Unused as-new Vanden Plas-style ASH FRAME for 3 1/2-litre Derby Bentley Open Tourer
Ash frame by Tony Robinson coachworks of Gerrards Cross. Do please 'Google' Tony Robinson coachworks and you will find recent Rolls-Royce & Bentley editorial and advertisements which feature his replacement bodies on Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost and Rolls-Royce Phantom II chassis.
This ash frame has been dry stored for many years and was only recently unpacked and loosely assembled with g-clamps as you see here.
The owner had been planning to re-body his 1934 3 1/2 litre Derby Bentley Sports Saloon which he had been using up until the 1970s, but work as a university professor occupied his time rather more than his Bentley project, and indeed he has only recently sold his Bentley.
Instructions and all parts marked for assembly
Here are 8 photos of the components which make up the assembled period photo example :
The tail section
The floor section
The dash to engine bulkhead section
The other side - engine bulkhead to dash section
Both doors
The boot lid frame
Please enquire - this ash frame could make your drophead Bentley ambitions come to reality.
Call 07973 731508